Friday, November 14, 2008

Large Hadron Collider

How, exactly, did the universe begin? What is the cosmos made of and why does it look the way it does? If these are questions that keep coming to your mind with obviously no answers, then the time for all these questions to be answered is here. Welcome the $8.9billion Large Hadron Collider, aka The God Machine, which is very much the answer to all your questions. The biggest and most expensive scientific instrument ever built, was turned on in Switzerland. The machine has been built by CERN, the European nuclear physics organisation, and will be operated by hundreds of scientists from 85 countries, including a strong British contingent.
The LHC is a giant particle accelerator, a machine which accelerates packets of protons to within a hair’s breadth of the speed of light and smashes them together in mini explosions that replicate – for a fleeting instant – the colossal energies seen in the Big Bang. What the LCH scientists hope is that now some of the greatest mysteries of all can be solved. We are waiting for the answers that will change the facts forever!
The Higgs boson-Scientists are actually looking for this particle nicknamed the GOD particle .this can give incite on the actual details of the big bang
well here are some cool facts about this awesome machine man built to showcase not even a 100th of Gods power
-The vacuum in the LHC is nearly perfect,if it were a car tyre with a leak ther eare so few gas molecules it would take 10000 years to go flat
-A tube train would take more than an hour to get round the 16 mile tunnel but it wouldn't have to stop for maintenance
-The LHC is the worlds largest fridge with a temperature of minus 271c, and could keep 15 million pizzas frozen indefinitely- enough to feed the thousands of scientists working on the CERN project for more than four years
-Proton collisions will generate heat 100,000 times hotter than the sun which could cook 1.7 billion microwaveable chicken tikka meals instantly
-15 million gigabytes of data will be collected from the LHC enought to fill 100000dvds each year a stack more than 12 miles high :-)

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