Saturday, November 28, 2009


Ismail Kasasa Kabonge
Brian Bukenya
Moses Matovu
Jaja Azida Lubwama
Jaja Mariam Nakanwagi

Death can be so sudden so painful yet so real a timely reminder to all our souls that there will be a time when we have to leave earth and attone for every little thing we did on this earth. Its a reminder to let us know what it feels like to loose something. Its a reminder to the most important fact of all that human life is sacred and cherished.. i will miss you all. some slightly more because i believe i didnt get to know you as much as i wanted to. some because i never got to say goodbye or even talked to in a long time. but i love you and i wish God rests your souls in peace. Ina lilahi wa ina lilahi raj'un ( To God we belong and to God we return)

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